Lessons from the JSON-RPC mailing list

I’ve used JSON-RPC before as a simple request-response protocol for Websocket services. It is a simple way to avoid bikeshedding.

I was recently looking into tRPC to compare and contrast, and my research led me to the JSON-RPC mailing list. I discovered a lot of interesting ideas in there which you might not have appreciated if you’ve only used JSON-RPC in a superficial way, e.g. over HTTP to a server, or even over a Websocket like I was.

Often, someone would ask why they had to provide an id, since one HTTP request would always result in one HTTP response, so the id could just always be "1". The replies highlight both the centrality of id to the spec, and the real meaning of JSON-RPC being transport-agnostic:

Ajax-type one-off requests make this hard to see, but the id is vital to the client sorting out its many messages. It has little to do with the server, and probably never should.


On the client living longer than the transport:

If the transport is handling the role the id currently fills, then yes… but that also means the client using the transport needs to understand that. If you a client makes 30 calls to 4 different servers, having the ids allows a central tabulation of the current call states. What you are suggesting would require that meaning to be injected or stored in the currently running transport instances. This does not work when you want to either freeze the client state, or have requests that outlive the transport instances.


On the over-reliance on HTTP and especially GET:

Exactly. HTTP GET has been an issue with json-rpc all the way through, as HTTP GET is often misused… perhaps a thread specific to addressing this angle of it will lead to some clarity for all of us on how to move forward.


You keep linking the request object to the transport instance life time and suggesting optimizations based on that view. json-rpc is used in places where that is not true and there is little gained from the “optimization”.


On notifications and empty responses,

if the function being called has no meaningful return value, adding an id in the call merely forces the server to add a useless NULL response

The NULL (or “void”) response isn’t useless - it allows the client to verify that the server received and processed the request. In some transports like HTTP this may be duplicative of the HTTP response which comes anyway, but in most other transports it is not.


So not only might we be using a transport like Websockets, which doesn’t have request-response semantics, we might actually make requests that outlive the lifetime of a transport.

An easy example is: what if your Websocket disconnects due to a temporary network outage. If you’re used to an HTTP world, you might expect that all your in-flight requests must just be abandoned and retried. But JSON-RPC allows you to keep ahold of those ids and match up responses you get once you’ve re-established a new Websocket connection.

Going even further: you could build a sneakernet RPC system that doesn’t even rely on the internet. Or one that distributes requests and responses via gossip protocol. This goes back to JSON-RPC 1.0’s peer-to-peer roots.

(Actually doing that would involve a ton of complexity which is entirely outside the JSON-RPC spec. E.g. deciding how to serialise client state so it knows what to do with responses after a restart. I’m not sure why you would use JSON-RPC for that instead of building a sync engine. But you could!)

Another possibility is having asymmetic transports. For example, a browser-based client could send requests via HTTP, but receive responses via a separate Server Sent Events channel. The server could make use of EventSource’s Last-Event-Id header to ensure replies aren’t dropped while the client reconnects.

JSON-RPC is a very simple spec. The id is actually the most important part of it. Without id you might as well just send JSON over HTTP any old way.