I got into software because I wanted to make video games.
It started with drawing Myst-like scenes in MS Paint and obsessively photographing texture references on family holidays. It resulted in me building lots of game engine pieces–most notably, integrating Mikko Mononen’s Recast navmesh library into Torque 3D–but zero actual games. (I did make a nearly-complete game jam entry.)

I’ve since worked at NICTA (now Data61) especially with the Coviu team, at MineSite Technologies building communications gear, and finally joined a friend in the Startmate accelerator with what became Pylon.
These days my purposes are:
- Helping speed Australia’s energy transition by making Pylon the best solar design software I can.
- Starting a European-style rental cooperative development in urban Sydney following co-housing design principles.
- Helping the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia modernise their web presence and communications.
I feel strongly about town planning and design, quality software, and democratic governance at all levels of society.
What is "crabmusket"?
It’s an anagram of my surname. I used “the crab & musket” as a name for my old site, as it reminded me of an old-timey pub.