the crab & musket

IO: You may say I'm a monad, but I'm not the only one!

January 21, 2014

One of the things I love about Haskell is its tools for abstracting computation. There are so many different ways to look at a given problem, and new ones are being invented/discovered all the time. Monads are just one abstraction, a popular and important one.

When you’re learning Haskell, you’re told ‘IO is a monad’, and whether or not you understand what that means, you start to see the significance of binding impure values, returning pure ones, using do notation, and so on. I thought I was a pro at monads after discovering liftM, but I still hadn’t really made the jump to understanding monads in general, rather than as something specific to impure IO operations. So today we’ll take a look at practical uses of the monad-ness of types other than IO: in particular, list and Maybe. We’ll use their Monad instances (as well as their Functor and Applicative instances) to simplify otherwise-gnarly computations.

Speaking of Applicative and Functor, I’ll also be introducing some of those other computation abstractions, and showing you the same code using several different styles. My goal isn’t to give you a deep understanding of how these typeclasses work - just an introduction to the different syntax you’ll see hopefully a start at understanding how it behaves.

A quick review: functors

A concept I’ll be referring to a lot in this post is the idea of computing on things in boxes. This is sort of the idea of the Functor typeclass, and its function fmap. If you’re not familiar with fmap, here’s a lightning-fast introduction:

Think of a Maybe Int as a box that might contain an Int and might not. fmap turns a regular function into a function that looks inside the box first, and doesn’t try to apply itself if the box is empty. So while we can’t do this:

succ (Just 5)

We can do this:

(fmap succ) (Just 5)

The parentheses around fmap succ aren’t necessary, I’m just making the point that we’re creating a new computation that Just 5 is applied to. The fmap turned succ from a regular function into a function that is box-aware.

Maybe it’s fate

Here’s a problem. Add two Maybe Ints. Let’s pretend we looked these Ints up in a Map or something (where, obviously, they might not exist - hence the Maybe type of Data.Map’s lookup functions) and now we want to perform some computation on them, while preserving their Maybeness. I.e., if one of these values doesn’t exist, we want our computation to return Nothing as well.

Here’s a pretty simple, obvious implementation: use case to check whether the values are Just or Nothing!

x, y, z :: Maybe Int
z = case x of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just x' -> case y of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just y' -> Just (x' + y')

Easy, right? Now if either x or y is Nothing, one of the cases will fail and the result, z, will be Nothing. Otherwise, we’ll get a Just value with the added values.

You might feel a bit guilty having written this. That big nested case is a bit ugly, though not unreadable. And we can even extend it relatively painlessly by just adding more cascading cases if we want to add, say, three Maybe Ints. But can we do better? The answer, as it always is in Haskell, is yes.

(You might be tempted to write a function that uses pattern-matching on Nothing and Just to achieve the same result. Good try, but we can do even better.)

Monadic style

Let’s make this a monadic computation using do notation. I’ll explain how this works in a minute, but just look at it for now:

z = do
    x' <- x
    y' <- y
    return (x' + y')

Note the parallels between this and our case expression - particularly the similarity between Just (x' + y') and return (x' + y'). But, most stunningly - we aren’t doing any error-checking here. Are we? We just bind the values of x and y, then use these bindings as if they’re regular old Ints. Now, to see why this works, let’s take a look at Monad’s implementation. The first step is to get rid of the do notation we were using. The compiler removes it, so let’s give it a go.

If I may, I’d like to coin a phrase for using monadic computations without the sugar of do notation:

Warhead monadic style

If you don’t know what warheads are, shame on you. Anyway, as many monad tutorials will tell you, the desugared (sour) version of z looks like this:

z = x >>= (\x' ->
    y >>= (\y' ->
    return (x' + y')))

(Again, the parentheses are unnecessary - they’re just there to show you where the lambdas begin and end.)

Once you wrap your mind around the parentheses and lambdas, the code becomes fairly simple. Each >>= (bind) takes a Maybe Int on the left, and a function on the right to perform on the bound value.

So how does this let us seemingly ignore the Nothings? Let’s check out the instance declatation for Monad (Maybe a):

instance Monad (Maybe a) where
    Just x  >>= f  = f x
    Nothing >>= _  = Nothing
    return x = Just x

So, let’s evaluate our expression with x = Just 5 and y = Nothing:

z = Just 5  >>= (\x' ->
    Nothing >>= (\y' ->
    return (x' + y')))

Using the first pattern in the definition of >>=, we can reduce the first lambda, replacing x' with 5:

z = Nothing >>= (\y' ->
    return (5 + y'))

But now we have Nothing >>= \y' -> ... - which, as we know from the second pattern in Maybe’s implementation of bind, will result in a Nothing:

z = Nothing

So, in effect, the definition of >>= does the error-checking for us, ensuring that if we ever run into a Nothing value, the whole computation will end and give back Nothing. And remember I said to notice the similarity between Just (x' + y') and return (x' + y') above? Well look at that - for Maybe, return is the same as Just! Isn’t that great? But you may still be dissatisfied. Let’s step beyond the world of monads to learn about another abstraction that will let us rewrite this in a one-liner.

Applicative style

You may have heard people throw around the term ‘applicatives’, or even - if you’re astute - ‘applicative functors’. Like monads, they’re a fancy way of performing computations on things in boxes. In this section, I’ll be using add instead of (+) to keep down the amount of punctuation on each line. Let’s rewrite the above Maybe addition example in applicative style:

import Control.Applicative (pure, (<*>))
z = pure add <*> x <*> y

Don’t be alarmed by the crazy operators. I’m not going to go into detail on this one, but what I want you to take away from this is a vague intuition for the syntax, and the equivalence between monadic and applicative operations. We’ve just done the same sort of thing as we did with monads - let the definition of <*> handle the Nothing cases for us. pure is a lot like fmap - it turns add into a function that can operate on things in boxes. Then <*> is used to apply arguments to this new box-aware function.

I’ll tell you the truth - you don’t often see pure in the wild. Usually you see its cousin, <$>, a synonym for fmap that we can use in this situation. It’s called <$> to mirror the function application operator you’re used to in regular pure Haskell, $. And it works like this:

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
z = add <$> x <*> y


Do you even lift? style

As I covered in my liftM micro-tutorial, lifting is a general way to make a function operate inside a monad. In this case, since (+) has two arguments, we need the liftM2 member of the family:

import Control.Monad (liftM2)
z = liftM2 (+) x y

Which, like fmap and like pure, we can think of as creating a new function, in this case a ‘monadic’ one, of two arguments:

z = liftedPlus x y
    where liftedPlus = liftM2 (+)

Many people use fmap in preference to liftM as it doesn’t require an import (and almost all Monads are Functors), but there’s no standard fmap2 or higher orders defined (though you could easily do so yourself). They can do this because most types that are Monads are also Functors. In fact, mathematically they’re related - it’s just that not all types have an instance of both typeclasses. (If you want to know - monads are a subset of the functors.)

Moving swiftly onwards

Ok, so now you’re thoroughly able to add two Maybe Ints together in a myriad of ways. Let’s talk about another monad: lists. I’m going to assign you another arbitrary challenge: give me the Cartesian product of two lists. That is, a list of tuples of every combination of the elements of the two lists.

Here’s an example:

xs = [1, 2]
ys = [3, 4]
zs = cartesian xs ys
-- zs == [(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)]

How would we do that in normal non-monadic code? In an imperative language, you’d probably write a nested for loop, which in Haskell usually means using map, like so:

cartesian xs ys = concat $ map (\x' -> map (\y' -> (x', y')) ys) xs

Take a second to look that over. (Also, ignore the obvious list-comprehension solution. We’ll get to that in a second.) We map a function \x' over xs that maps a function \y' over ys and makes a tuple of the two elements x' (from the outer lambda) and y' (from the inner). And we finally concat the whole lot so we end up with a flat list, rather than a list of lists of tuples. This is looking suspiciously like our desugared warhead monadic code from above - all these lambdas and variables ending in '. Well, to confirm your suspicions, let’s rewrite this in a monad:

cartesian xs ys = do
    x' <- xs
    y' <- ys
    return (x', y')

This is almost identical to our monadic code when we used Maybe, except obviously we’re making a tuple rather than adding the two bound elements. How can this be? How does <- go from a list xs to a single value x', and magically apply our computation over the whole of both lists?

Well again, we need to look into the definition of >>= for lists.

instance Monad [a] where
    xs >>= f = concat (map f xs)
    return x = [x]

The type of >>= for lists is [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]. f therefore has type a -> [b], and mapping it over a [a] will produce a [[b]], a list of list of bs, which is then flattened with concat. I’ll leave it to you to show how that is equivalent to our earlier map-filled definition of the Cartesian product. Just convert the monadic computation to warhead style, and then start substituting! (Note: you’ll need to ask yourself what happens when I concat a list of single-element lists? More specifically, what does concat . map return do?)

Unfortunately, at this point our nice metaphor of fmap and monads as computations that operate on ‘things in boxes’ starts to break down. Lists aren’t really a value in a box - at best, they’re many (or no) values in a box. I’ll leave that to more advanced tutorials on what monads and functors actually represent mathematically to explain. For now, just understand that members of the Monad typeclass (or Functor when we’re talking about fmap, or Applicative for applicatives) behave in certain ways depending on the definition of >>= and return they have given.

(You may be suspicious that I contrived my Cartesian product example to fit the definition of list’s bind function. Well, you’re right. So sue me! I needed easy examples.)

List applicative style

Let’s quickly revisit the applicative kingdom and rewrite our monadic function as an applicative one-liner. Any guesses as to what it will look like? Again, I’ll use tuple, a function of two arguments, instead of the usual (,) operator to reduce line noise:

cartesian xs ys = pure tuple <*> xs <*> ys

Or, as you’ll see it in the wild:

cartesian xs ys = tuple <$> xs <*> ys

Mind = blown. As above, I won’t go into the details of this syntax. If you’re keen, look up the definitions of <*> and <$> in Control.Applicative and try to reduce these expressions yourself. Here, I just want to expose you to the syntax.

map and fmap

Forgive me as I make a brief roadside stop to ask: what does this code do?

fmap (+ 1) [1, 2, 3]

Try it out in GHCi. Does that behavior look oddly familiar? Of course - it’s the same as map! For historical reasons, we’ve ended up with map being a list-specific function and fmap being its more general cousin that works for all Functors. In fact, fmap for lists is defined as map:

instance Functor [] where
    fmap f xs = map f xs

I’d have preferred it differently, but you can’t have everything in this life. But hey, you know what else is the same as map?

liftM (+ 1) [1, 2, 3]



You might have spotted the easy solution to the cartesian product problem - a list comprehension. To whit:

cartesian xs ys = [(x', y') | x' <- xs, y' <- ys]

But hang on - even that looks almost the same as our monadic solution, just all in one line! In case you’ve ever wondered why the <- is used in monads as well as list comprehensions, now you know - they are the same! In fact, let’s take it a step further. We can actually use comprehensions for any monad type!

Maybe comprehension

In a special (ab?)use of syntax I like to call lost in translation style, we can perform a Maybe comprehension:

{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
z = [x' + y' | x' <- x, y' <- y]

Though we unfortunately have to enable a GHC extension to access general monad comprehensions, we can rewrite our Maybe addition code in one line without those funky applicative operators.

Final remarks

I hope you’ve now gained a little bit of insight into why people talk about monads all the time when they talk about Haskell - they’re a really powerful and pervasive way to abstract computation, and save ourselves some headache. And hopefully, the next time you see a <*> or a liftM in somebody’s code, you won’t be too freaked out! This tutorial has breezed over the why of monads and functors, so if you’re after a more satisfying explanation, I highly recommend LYAH’s sections on functors, more functors, applicatives and monads (in that order).

Thanks for reading!
