The Torque 3D unit testing system - a safari

This is the first in a series of experimental posts that explore some of Torque 3D’s subsystems. It’s going to be written in a nearly stream-of-consciousness style as I explore the system myself, and there’ll be relatively little editing. This is an experiment to provide more organic engine documentation. I’ve picked an easy first subject, the unit testing framework, because I’m currently replacing it with Google Test, and figured this would be a good way for me to get to know the extent of the code I’ll be touching.

We’ll mostly be looking at unit/test.h and unit/test.cpp so go ahead and have them open and ready for your perusal.

Entry point

I search for unitTest_runTests because that’s what we call from the console to run tests. Search for text in ‘current solution’. Choose the line with a ConsoleFunction definition because that defines the console function, yo. It lives in unit/consoleTest.cpp. It creates a TestRun and calls test with the two arguments, searchString and skipInteractive.

TestRun tr;
return tr.test(searchString, skip);

TestRun class

TestRun is defined in unit/test.h. Everything in here is in the UnitTesting namespace. This class includes members _testCount, _failureCount, etc. The test method has two overloads, a public version which is called with the two parameters above, and a private version that takes a TestRegistry.

Public test method

The public one iterates over everything in TestRegistry::getFirst(), which is evidently some static list of all unit tests the engine knows about, and calls the private test on each one.

Note that the cwd is set to the executable or main.cs directory before each call to the private test. The cwd is restored after the test run to whatever it was before the testing started.

We then printStats and call Process::provessEvents() which has the comment sanity check for avoid Process::requestShutdown() called on some tests. I think Luis added this recently to avoid a crash. Investigte later.

It returns !_failureCount.

Private test method

The private test method first does UnitMargin::Push which seems mysterious. It then creates a new UnitTest* by calling newTest on the TestRegistration is is passed, then calls run on that UnitTest. And then UnitMargin::Pop. _failureCount and friends are updated from the properties of the UnitTest object, which is then deleted.


// Run the test.
UnitTest* test = reg->newTest();


Okay, what’s this UnitMargin?

UnitMargin struct

Oh gosh global variables everywhere. Why is there a struct for the methods that operate on global variables? Okay it looks like what this is actually doing is filling the _MarginString with spaces up to the size of _MarginPtr’s first element. But _MarginPtr is an array so it can remember the size of each margin added when pop is called. It can be nested 32 times. _printMargin is ised to frwite the _MarginString to stdout. So basicaly it just lets us print spaces before a line. I guess we’ll see where it’s used later.

TestRegistration class

Let’s see what TestRegistration::newTest does.

template<class T>
class TestRegistration: public TestRegistry

   virtual UnitTest* newTest()
      return new T;

Right, so it just constructs some instance of the template type that this test registration is of. Which must be a subclass of UnitTest. Let’s detour for a second to a macro back in test.h:

#define CreateUnitTest(Class,Name) \
   class Class; \
   static UnitTesting::TestRegistration<Class> _UnitTester##Class (Name, false, #Class); \
   class Class : public UnitTesting::UnitTest

So the CreateUnitTest macro starts a clas definition for a subclass of UnitTest and also creates a static TestRegistration object. Its constructor is actually empty:

TestRegistration(const char* name, bool interactive, const char *className)
   : TestRegistry(name, interactive, className)

so let’s go have a look at TestRegistry. It does a bunch of stuff including making sure there is no conflicting test name, and then adds the new object to TestRegistry::_list, which I infer is a linked list of tests that we should be able to access using…

   static TestRegistry *_list;
   static TestRegistry* getFirst() { return _list; }

Okay, so that makes sense. Let’s check out an example of a unit test, then. Oh, but before we do, I want to point out this gem:

friend class DynamicTestRegistration; // Bless me, Father, for I have sinned, but this is damn cool

A unit test

To find unit tests I ‘find all references’ on namespace UnitTesting. Likely candidates are probably anywhere that’s using namespace UnitTesting. testbasictypes.cpp sounds like an easy place to start.

An example

CreateUnitTest(CheckTypeSizes, "Platform/Types/Sizes")
   void run()
      // Run through all the types and ensure they're the right size.

#define CheckType(typeName, expectedSize) \
               test( sizeof(typeName) == expectedSize, "Wrong size for a " #typeName ", expected " #expectedSize);

      // One byte types.
      CheckType(bool, 1);
      CheckType(U8,   1);
      CheckType(S8,   1);
      CheckType(UTF8, 1);

Okay, fairly simple. A UnitTest calls its own test method to assert that something should be true. In this case we’re doing a bunch of size tests on the platform type wrappers.

An assertion

Let’s have a look at test. This is in test.h, in the definition of UnitTest:

bool test(bool a,const char* msg) {
   dFetchAndAdd( _testCount, 1 );
   if (!a)
   _lastTestResult = a;
   return a;

Ooh. That’s interesting. What’s dFetchAndAdd? Apparently it lives in platform/platformIntrinsics.visualc.h which sounds platform-specific, but isn’t in platformWin32/ for some reason.

inline void dFetchAndAdd( volatile S32& ref, S32 val )
   _InterlockedExchangeAdd( ( volatile long* ) &ref, val );

Okay, and _InterlockedExchangeAdd is some Windows API function I think. I’m going to intuit that it’s for atomically incrementing a memory location, so we avoid race conditions. Also, this comment is pertinent:

// NOTE: These do not return the pre-add value because
// not all platforms (damn you OSX) can do that.

Interesting. Wait, can we not do that ourselves? Since we know the pre-add value? Oh no, of course we don’t, because this is a volatile situation where the actual value before we add to it may be different to the one we read on the line before we write. For example, if we were to do this:

   long old = ref;
   _InterlockedExchangeAdd( ( volatile long* ) &ref, val );
   return old;

The value of memory in ref may change between the first and second line. Duh. So we need to rely on platform intrinsic methods to give us that information, but apparently we can’t rely on all platform’s intrinsics to do that. Shame.

Okay, wait wait. So what this means is that unit tests are potentially multithreaded? Within a single test, I mean, because each UnitTest object is self-contained. But one UnitTest could spawn multiple threads that each call test and hopefully that will result in a consistent result. Cool.

Another example

I’m going to try to find a test that does some setup and teardown, or uses a fixture in some way. That seems helpful. Oh, but I’ve found this instead in platformWin32/winWindow.cpp:

S32 PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, S32)
#if 0
   // Run a unit test.
   UnitTesting::TestRun tr;
   tr.test("Platform", true);

Ha ha. Okay, a unit test example, that’s what I was looking for. Yes. Hmm. Ooh. Doing a ‘find all references’ on UnitTest turns up a bunch of results in the Google Test library files. Whoops. I suspect nobody is really using fixtures. Here’s a test that stores some instance data:

CreateUnitTest(TestingProcess, "Journal/Process")
   // How many ticks remaining?
   U32 _remainingTicks;

   void process()

   void run()
      // We'll run 30 ticks, then quit.
      _remainingTicks = 30;

      // Register with the process list.
      Process::notify(this, &TestingProcess::process);

Okay, fair enough. I assume that if you defined a constructor (in this case, TestingProcess()) then it would be called in the appropriate place? I.e. when the test instance is created way back up in TestRun::test (the private one).

Existing tests

Okay, that’s cool. So what sort of coverage do we have with tests? I do a ‘find all references’ on CreateUnitTest. This should be fun. 153 results found. Hm.

First up are some tests for the unused component system. Then some miscellaneous ones, the basic type tests I listed some of above, and then a very interesting test: TestDefaultConstruction in unit/tests/testDefaultConstruction.cpp.

    for( AbstractClassRep* classRep = AbstractClassRep::getClassList();
         classRep != NULL;
         classRep = classRep->getNextClass() )
       // Create object.
       ConsoleObject* object = classRep->create();
       test( object, avar( "AbstractClassRep::create failed for class '%s'", classRep->getClassName() ) );
       if( !object )

This iterates over every class exposed to the console (i.e. every class you can use from scripts) and tries to create one. This is interesting because it indicates that every object exposed to scripts should be valid with no members. I think. Let’s see what create does, and hopefully verify this.

There are two subclasses of AbstractClassRep - the Concrete variety and the Dynamic variety. They both do the same thing:

/// Wrap constructor.
ConsoleObject* create() const { return new T; }

Okay, easy enough. And though it wont’ matter, let’s see which one is usual. My bet is on Concrete. If we text search for #define DECLARE_CONOBJECT we get this:

#define DECLARE_CONOBJECT( className )                   \
   DECLARE_CLASS( className, Parent );                   \
   static S32 _smTypeId;                                 \
   static ConcreteClassRep< className > dynClassRep;     \
   static AbstractClassRep* getStaticClassRep();         \

Okay, so things are mostly of the Concrete variety of class representation. If you’re confused about what all this machinery is for, I direct you to the comment in console/consoleObject.h:

Many of Torque’s subsystems, especially network, console, and sim, require the ability to programatically instantiate classes. For instance, when objects are ghosted, the networking layer needs to be able to create an instance of the object on the client. When the console scripting language runtime encounters the “new” keyword, it has to be able to fill that request.

Since standard C++ doesn’t provide a function to create a new instance of an arbitrary class at runtime, one must be created. This is what AbstractClassRep and ConcreteClassRep are all about. They allow the registration and instantiation of arbitrary classes at runtime.

Anyway, let’s give this a shot. I’m running Torque, opening the console and entering:

unitTest_runTests("Console/DefaultConstruction", true);

Ah. Aha. I see.

SFXSource::onAdd() - no description set on source 4148 ((null))
** Failed: registerObject failed for object of class 'SFXSource'
SFXSource::onAdd() - no description set on source 4149 ((null))
** Failed: registerObject failed for object of class 'SFXSound'
SFXParameter::onAdd - 4152 ((null)): parameter object does not have a name
** Failed: registerObject failed for object of class 'SFXParameter'
ShapeBase::onAdd - no datablock on shape 4495:Item ((null))
** Failed: registerObject failed for object of class 'Item'
Debris::onAdd - Fail - No datablock
** Failed: registerObject failed for object of class 'Debris'
ShapeBase::onAdd - no datablock on shape 4505:Camera ((null))
** Failed: registerObject failed for object of class 'Camera'
ShapeBase::onAdd - no datablock on shape 4507:AIPlayer ((null))
** Failed: registerObject failed for object of class 'AIPlayer'

And so on. Well that’s amusing. I guess this test… isn’t supposed to pass? I guess it verifies that the engine doesn’t, you know, crash or anything. But I’m fairly certain that unit tests should be designed so that passing them means success, not just not crashing while running them.

Okay. That’s a slight diversion. Where were we?

There are tests for files (one of which includes a 5 second sleep…), a smattering of maths tests, packet and networking tests (that call out to, some tests of utilities like String and the defunct component interface, lots of thread tests including stress tests, even more thread tests, tests for Vector, and interestingly some tests of the window manager. Oh, and of the zip filesystem. Hopefully they can help disambiguate whether T3D has zip filesystem support… Anyway, that’s not an exhaustive list, but those are the major ones.

The end

I hope that was at least slightly illuminating, rather than just confusing. I also apologise in retrospect for any attitude that crept into my analysis. I tried to keep it factual!