De-escalate vocabulary, de-escalate hype
#Ursula Franklin was a scientist, author, activist and Quaker who wrote, among many things, on technology.
De-escalate speed, and also de-escalate vocabulary. Much of our vocabulary comes, again, out of production and advertising. I think we might make a pact with each other never to use the word “awesome”. I think the world was fine without the word awesome. De-escalate vocabulary, de-escalate hype.
I consider reflecting on the ways my vocabulary and attitudes are shaped by a consumerist and technological society to be part of my spiritual practise.
Hype and marketing lead us awayh from the truth in order to influence others. I want to remember, when I am trying to be persuasive, to influence using truth, not exaggeration.
It’s good enough if things work. Everything doesn’t have to be “splendid”, “cutting edge”, “world class”. Those are responses to production. See where those things come from.
It’s very poor practice to hurry on your plants in the winter; when we have fluorescent lights all our plants get spindly and look miserable. There is nothing to speed per se.
Like efficiency, speed has a direction. It is not its own virtue; it depends on towards what we are speeding. And while there are many injustices we wish to speed away from, speed allows or necessitates us to miss details, to omit nuance, sometimes to fail to attend adequately to reality.